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Law of Attraction 30-Day Workbook Journal

LOA is described as manifestations created through your thoughts and that you are the creator of your life. That every strong thought you focus on can manifest if it is given enough attention. 

But how? 

Thoughts = Feelings 
Feelings = Behavior 
Behavior = Outcome 

Law of attraction teaches us that if we focus on what we don't want we will have the thoughts, feeling, behavior and therefore the outcome of everything we do not want. However, if we learn how to shift our focus on what we do want we then stay up to speed with our desires. 

This 30-day workbook journal will help you to apply exciting LOA strategies that will assist you in feeling happier, manifesting quicker, and sending out the right signal to get you the results you want. Your actions will then correspond to your wishes and everything around you, including people and events, will respond to your positive energy and the message you are sending out. 

Focus less on what you lack and feel more anticipation for what you will get. When your attitude matches your desire, success follows.