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Confidence Blueprint Bundle

This program is broken into 8 parts which are advised to be worked through week by week from 1 - 8 in order for best results.

1: Confidence in Emotion - Trauma Awareness

Ways to classify your survival responses
Learn about your self-protective patterns due to the trauma you have experienced in your life.
How to Identify your coping mechanisms

2: Confidence in Letting go - Dissolving root causes keeping you stuck

Powerful ways to create a new positive life story

Release the blocked energy in your body and replace it
Break the cycle of victimization
3: Confidence in Pain - Elevated Healing

Methods to release Habitual Anger
Nurturing your inner-child

How to make choices and respond to challenges
4: Confidence in your Dreams - Finding purpose

Ways to establish your personal mission
Directions on finding your unique purpose fingerprint
The secret to your individual purpose
5: Confidence in your Soul - Spiritual Alignment

Ways to access your Higher Being and be more present
How to apply the 3 spiritual laws in your life

Alignment assessment and visualization strategies
6: Confidence in your Career - Business Goals

Getting clear on your vision
How to set SMART goals
Unlock a growth mindset 
7: Confidence in Wealth - opening the door to money

Ways to manifest more money and align yourself up with abundance
How to take action and practice attraction
Create a good money mentality

8: Confidence in Succeeding  - Conditioning yourself for success

Ways to recognize habits and patterns contributing to your success
The secret to manifesting success with your heart
Strategies to stay motivated